Logistics and Business Development Support for Service Launch in the U.S.

Online Entertainment Service Provider


This company’s service was such that in addition to providing online services it was also necessary to deliver products to users located in the U.S.
Therefore, at the same time as launching the service the company needed to establish local logistics (inventory and product delivery) in the U.S.
Hence the company asked us to provide logistics support in the U.S. and we began providing support through our “Overseas Local Logistics Support” service.

Support Content

Before the launch of the service we provided advice on local logistics and supported the creation of a scheme. After the launch we have been providing operational
support in logistics according to the expansion, as well as support in overall business development, such as developing local business partners in the U.S.
and carrying out promotional activities.

(Details of Support)
● Logistics
・Advisory services related to general local logistics
・Support in establishing inventory, inspection, packing, and shipping schemes in the U.S.
・Acting as a local logistics operation agency on behalf of the client

● Business Development
・Support for developing local collaborations in specific fields
・Influencer marketing (discovery and approach on behalf of the client)
・Approaching local media on behalf of the company as part of PR


We have established logistics operations in the U.S. market from the time of launch until a regular scale is reached.
In addition, we have successfully created relationships with potential local business partners and influencers.

From Now Onwards

Our company aims to provide support and promotion in areas such as support for building more robust logistics operations after scaling, and further
promotion (e.g., using larger-scale influencers).

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