Realization of New Supplier Development in the U.S.

Second-hand Retailer


The client’s business model was to import used products from the U.S. and sell them as a retailer in Japan, but until now import procurement had been handled by an in-between
trading company. However, since the intervening trading company would increase procurement costs the company decided it wanted to establish its own direct procurement route.
Since the company lacked the know-how to approach U.S. companies on its own it decided to utilize Glosperity’s “Partner Development Support” service.

Support Content

Through regular meetings we first narrow down the target partners, such as “what category of companies should we target” and “which area should we target.”” Based on these
dicsussed conditions Glosperity creates a list of potential partners and starts approaching them. We support the initial approach to the partner and the subsequent adjustment of
quotations and negotiation of terms and conditions for the start of the contract through the effective use of e-mail, telephone, and online meetings.

(Details of Support)
・Listing of potential business partners in the U.S. (including the collection of contact information)
・Online-based approach to the listed companies on behalf of the client
・Coordinate quotations and negotiate (price, terms and conditions, etc.) in preparation for the start of transactions on behalf of the client
・Communicate with the customer’s internal departments (import department, etc.) as necessary to promote the above


After three months of support five potential business partners were developed.

From Now Onwards

We are still in the process of supporting the communication with the potential business partners for final adjustments in order to start doing business with them.
We will continue to support the development and initiation of business with the aim of further expanding the number of business partners.

  • Receiving of Orders and Ongoing Business in the U.S. Market

    Receiving of Orders and Ongoing Business in the U.S. Market

    Say Inc.
  • Logistics and Business Development Support for Service Launch in the U.S.

    Logistics and Business Development Support for Service Launch in the U.S.

    Online Entertainment Service Provider
  • Support for EC Launch and Overall Business Development in the U.S.

    Support for EC Launch and Overall Business Development in the U.S.

    Beach Access LLC

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Data of Support Achievements

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