Realization of Orders and Brand Value Enhancement in the U.S. Market

Shozu Shikko Corporation


Shozu Shikko Corporation designs, manufactures, and sells wooden wine glasses and round wooden objects, and already had a sales record overseas (Singapore). The client was
interested in entering the U.S. market to develop new sales channels overseas and to improve its brand value by acquiring sales results in the U.S. market, however it lacked the
know-how and resources for overseas sales in the U.S. market, which is why it decided to utilize Glosperity’s “Overseas Sales Representation” service.

Support Content

In addition to Glosperity’s existing partners, we provide continuous support. From overseas sales activities to the expansion of transactions after receiving an order with several
potential new partners who are considered to be a good match for the client’s products. Support is provided in the following ways:

(Details of Support)
・Listing of potential new overseas business partners
・Online-based approach to the listed companies
・Sales activities in the U.S. (visits, provision of samples, face-to-face business negotiations on behalf of the client)
・Closing the deal after the meeting
・Establishment of commercial distribution (through our scheme of transaction intermediation)
・Regular follow-up (online + on-site)


As a result of our sales activities, we received orders for multiple products from a total of three companies, including a retailer in San Francisco, U.S. After receiving the orders, our
company acted as an intermediary for the transactions and provided support through our trading company service (the client only handles domestic transportation). Even after the
start of trading orders have been coming in from the U.S. regularly the commercial volume (including product lineup) has been on the rise.

From Now Onwards

While continuing to follow up on existing orders, our company is also continuing to support sales activities for additional orders to several potential customers.
We will seek to acquire more sales channels in the future.

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    Realization of B2C Sales Commercial Distribution in the U.S. Market

    Cross-border EC business launch and operation
  • Overseas Expansion from Scratch and the Realization of Orders and Ongoing Business in the U.S.

    Overseas Expansion from Scratch and the Realization of Orders and Ongoing Business in the U.S.

    Kitayama Masatsumu Shoten

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